If we want a creative community to still exist after Coronoavirus runs its course, then we need to act now. COVID-19 has changed the lives of every person in Albuquerque and artists are getting hit particularly hard. Event cancellations, arts market closures, performances canceled, and more all are contributing to a huge economic burden for our community’s most creative citizens. These cancellations came at a rapid pace, and many artists had already spent money preparing and advertising for these events. Many artists cannot make up this income because they rely on people experiencing and purchasing their work in person. In the blink of an eye, artists are facing potential eviction, the inability to buy groceries, skipping prescriptions, or skipping vital medical care.
This is why Arts Hub is establishing an Artist Relief Fund
. This fund will help artists who have lost a major portion of their income due to event cancellations and social distancing. The fund will support artists who need emergency relief to stay in their homes and/or purchase basic necessities. Artists create so much for us and so many of them need our help now.
You can be a part of supporting local artists and ensuring our creative community survives the months ahead. You can support this effort by making a contribution below.
MATCHING FUNDS: Between now and March 26th our generous partner, JBIT Tech, will match up to $1,000. This means your contribution will be doubled!
To donate to, or receive assistance from the Artist Relief Fund, go to the Fund's Page.